Prevention Of Abnormal Levels Of Urobilinogen In Urine
Prevention of abnormal urobilinogen levels vary. The best way to prevent high or low levels is drinking lots of water, or fluids and getting lots of excersise.
Preventing high urobilinogen levels can range from drinking liquids, dealing with any infections that cause abnormal amounts of urobilinogen in the urine.
Keeping your liver healthy is a great way to make sure your levels stay normal, so staying away from things that kill your liver, including alcohol and STD's is a great way to prevent liver failure and an abnormal urobilinogen level.
The best way to prevent decreased, or low amounts of urobilinogen in urine is to replenish the good bacteria in your gut after antibiotic usage by eating things like yogurt with live cultures and getting lots of excercise.
If you are not sure if you have low levels and are concerned about it, see your doctor and do a strip test to make sure.